Sébastopol Construction Stone
Sébastopol Construction
Limestone from the Paris Basin
Calcaire à milioles et à nummulites, Eocène, étage Lutécien.
Fond beige doré, grains ouverts
Saint-Vaast-lès-Melo (Oise)
60 km from Paris
Recommended uses
Thin Wall Covering: Glued, Attached, Exterior Elevation
Solid wall : Outdoor cladding
Finishes available
Honed, Embossed
Technical characteristics
Apparent Density: 1500 to 1700 kg / m3 (NF EN 1936)
Open Porosity: 35 to 45% (NF EN 1936)
Resistance to fixing (3cm) TYPE I: 600 to 800 N (NF EN 13364)
Resistance to fixing (4cm) TYPE I: 400 to 700 N (NF EN 13364)
Compressive Strength: 6 to 10 MPa (NF EN 772-1)
Flexural Strength: 1 to 3 MPa (NF EN 12372)
Capillarity Coefficent C1: 600 to 800 g.m-2.s-1/2 (NF EN 772-11)
Capillarity Coefficent C2: 700 to 900 g.m-2.s-1/2 (NF EN 772-11)